• Not at all! Our trips are designed for everyone, regardless of experience level. While having prior experience can enhance your comfort in the water and around sharks, it's not a requirement. I am a firm believer our trips are hands down the best and most fun experiences you can have in the world, and one of the reasons is because they don't demand certifications or previous expertise. Plus, our expert safety divers ensure your safety and enjoyment throughout the adventure. So, whether you're a seasoned diver or a first-timer, come join us for an unforgettable journey!

  • The kind of sharks we encounter will vary through the year. We mostly get Bull sharks and Lemon sharks in the winter months and we begin getting the pelagic migration of Silky sharks, Sandbar sharks, Dusky sharks early spring through summer. We also see Great Hammerhead sharks and Scalloped Hammerhead sharks year round as well as the occasional Tiger shark. There really is no “best time” of the year for sharks. It just depends on what you want to see! The best days I have had off the coast of Jupiter are totally random. Everything lines up ad thats just the ocean! Spring through summer we have the least amount of cancelations due to weather because the winds are consistently lower than winter months.

  • Yes! One of the reasons we began our own operation was to allow freedom in the water to those with experience. To Freedive before you know how to snorkel is a stretch, so proper expectations must be met but we do our best to give everybody the chance to Freedive and get photos with the sharks below the surface.

  • Our meeting location is approximately 1 hour from Ft. Lauderdale and around 2 hours from Miami, give or take with traffic conditions.

  • This is all snorkeling and freediving!

  • I have ben running charters here for 7 years, I have un wet over 10,000 trips and I have only not seen sharks 3 times. If we do not encounter sharks, we will give you your money back.

  • It’s about a 3 hour trip, give or take. It takes about 20 minutes to get to the dive location, once we have sharks, we spend a little over an hour swimming with them, and then its about a 20 minute ride back to shore.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

  • This is one of the most common questions I get. The answer, it is not going to make a difference. These sharks have evolved to sense the sounds and vibrations of struggling fish, the smell of fish blood, they won’t notice you and even if they did, they aren’t going to care. With the sharks, it can take a lot to get them close, and even with the smell of bleeding fish it can be hard to keep them around.